Robinson Huron Waawiindamaagewin
Address: 473 Hwy 17 W , Cutler, On., P0P1B0
Phone: 1-877-633-7558 toll free
Phone: 705-844-2340
Fax: 705-844-2563
The following information can be found on the Robinson Huron Waawiindamaagewin website found here.
Introducing the RHW
The RHW was created in 2019 to begin the development of treaty governance for Robinson Huron. The goal is to have a collective Anishinaabe decision making body progressing the interests and inherent rights of our people. We recognize the Treaty helps protects our inherent rights and can build on the strength of this collective to enhance and foster health and wellness for our people.
RHW has been working on understanding what treaty governance means for our communities and our people. Our team has been reaching out to our communities and coordinating treaty engagement sessions. These sessions have been aimed at sharing treaty history and discussing what treaty means to our people. We have also been working with our knowledge keepers and historians to understand Anishnaabek Law as the foundation of our approach.
An integral component is the building of capacity in the Robinson Huron Waawiindamaagewin First Nation communities to improve the understanding of Anishnawbek Law as well as Treaty Rights and Responsibilities. RHW also recognizes that relationships are the foundation of Treaty. We have been working on understanding what treaty-to-treaty relationships may look like. We also understand that our relationship with the newcomers needs to be strong and proud; working towards enhanced relationship efforts.
Our team has been working toward the development of relationship principles and approaches for our neighbouring communities and treaties.
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