ISETP Employment and Training

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Address: 473 Hwy 17 W , Cutler, On., P0P1B0
Phone: 1-877-633-7558 toll free
Phone: 705-844-2340
Fax: 705-844-2563

Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program/First Nations Labour Market Strategy Agreement (ISETP/FNLMS)

Mamaweswen, The North Shore Tribal Council (ISETP/FNLMS) manages and administers the First Nations Labour Market Strategy for five Member First Nations. (Sagamok Anishnawbek, Garden River First Nation, Serpent River First Nation, Mississauga First Nation, and Atikameksheng Anishnawbek)

The NSTC ISET Program Agreement objective is to reduce the skills and employment gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. The focus is to support First Nations’ members success along the skills and employment continuum, offering longer term labour market activities that lead to better skills outcomes and better employment for members.

The NSTC ISET Program provides access to training and employment supports to its members residing both on and off-reserve. The labour market programs and services places emphasis on overall client outcomes, ultimately leading to improved skills, employment, and earnings by recognizing incremental successes and capturing the progression of clients along their skills development and employment path.

Who Can Apply?

First Nation members regardless of residency (on or off reserve) who are unemployed, underemployed or require skills development may apply.  First Nation members who are eligible for programs and services by the ISETP/First Nations Labour Market Strategy Agreement include:

Under the Naadmaadwiiuk ISETP/FNLMS – serving members of Mississauga First Nation; Serpent River First Nation; Atikameksheng Anishnawbek.

Sagamok Anishnawbek ISETP/FNLMS – serving members of Sagamok Anishnawbek.

Garden River First Nation ISETP/FNLMS – serving members of Garden River First Nation.

Each of the five First Nations have the autonomy to offer labour market specific programs that will be available from their location and may negotiate maximum levels of support available on a case-by-case basis, according to their First Nation eligibility criteria.

The NSTC ISETP/FNLMS can also provide a minimum level of service to all Indigenous people who may seek non-funded labour market services. These non-funded services available to all working age Indigenous individuals includes:

  • Client assessment
  • Access to labour market information
  • Referrals
  • Access to technical supports (computer and internet access within resource centre to support employment search)
  • Cover letter and resume development
  • Cover letter and resume development, resume printing

For more information First Nation members can contact the appropriate ISETP/FNLMS office as shown below: 



Lot #473, Hwy 17, Cutler, On, P0P 1B0
Phone # (705) 844-2340
Fax # (705) 844-2563
Toll Free # 1-877-633-7558

Sagamok Anishnawbek

P.0. Box 610, Massey, ON, P0P 1P0
Phone # (705) 865-2421,
Fax # (705) 865-3307
Toll Free #1-800-567-2896 

Garden River First Nation

6 Shingwauk St, Garden River, ON, P6A 7B2
Phone # (705) 256-5413
Fax # (705)256-6880 

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